Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, appeared before the media after a long time. Then, he made important statements in his interview with Tucker Carlson. Durov stated that with increased surveillance by governments, the need for secure communication devices will increase. He also announced that new devices inspired by cryptocurrency hardware wallets will emerge. He also made striking statements about Telegram’s separation from Russia and its growth targets.
Telegram’s founder made a statement about cryptocurrency
Pavel Durov came to the fore with his interview with Tucker Carlson after a long time. In this interview, he made remarkable statements. He believes that increased government oversight will spur the development of secure communications devices inspired by cryptocurrency hardware wallets. Durov said the following in the interview:
The world is becoming less and less tolerant. Governments are becoming less tolerant of privacy. Therefore, I believe that increased government oversight will support hardware devices and innovations in this area for secure communications, such as the hardware wallets we use to store our cryptocurrency. These devices are a clear trend because they have more technological power.

Durov: I have several hundred million dollars worth of Bitcoin in my wallet
The Telegram founder also talked about leaving Russia in the interview. He also stated that his reason for leaving the country was that he could not accept any government orders. On the other hand, he rejected claims that Telegram is controlled by Russia. He also emphasized that these are false rumors spread by Telegram’s competitors who are worried about its growth. The billionaire entrepreneur added that Telegram aims to reach one billion monthly active users within the next year.
Durov also touched upon his cryptocurrency investments in the interview and stated that he held hundreds of millions of dollars in fiat currency and Bitcoin and that he did not have any other large assets. “I have several hundred million dollars in my bank account, in fiat money and Bitcoin,” Durov said. Pavel Durov’s statements are an important sign for the future of cryptocurrencies and secure communication devices inspired by hardware wallets. Telegram’s goal of one billion users seems quite ambitious. Durov’s cryptocurrency investments can be considered as a reflection of his belief in cryptocurrencies.

Telegram’s latest moves
Telegram founder Pavel Durov proposed creating crypto-inspired hardware to improve secure communication and protect privacy. Behind this vision are factors such as the FBI’s process of interrogating him. Also drawing attention was the FBI’s attempts to force a Telegram engineer to install “back doors” into the application. Therefore, Durov’s thoughts are a response to his disturbing experiences with governments. These experiences led Durov to explore technological solutions inspired by crypto hardware wallets.
In addition to these security measures, Telegram has expanded its platform to integrate crypto functions, such as a new payment feature using the Toncoin Blockchain, as we reported at It launched an advertising revenue model that highlights the growing influence of the app and its monthly user base approaching one billion.
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